Hope for Artists

Every artist I’ve spoken to has, in one way or another, wrestled with the feeling that their work is neither as good as it could be nor as appreciated as it ought to be. J.R.R. Tolkien, himself an artist, was no exception. In his fictional story Leaf by Niggle, he offers a profound reflection for all who struggle with these doubts.

Tolkien tells of a little-known painter, Niggle, who spends his life working on a grand painting of a tree. Knowing that winter will bring a journey to another country (a metaphor for his death), Niggle strives to complete his masterpiece. Yet life’s obligations and interruptions keep him from fully realizing his vision. His own perfectionism also hinders him—rather than painting the entire tree, he becomes absorbed in the details of its exquisite leaves. As winter draws near, he panics, frantically trying to finish. But the time for his journey arrives, and he must leave his tree unfinished.

As Niggle makes his way to the new country, he explores its landscape of mountains and valleys. Then, suddenly, he pauses in disbelief. Before him stands a tree—his tree—complete, vibrant, and real. He exclaims, “It’s a gift!” In awe, he goes on to observe how all the obligations and interruptions that once frustrated him have somehow been woven into the finished reality. He can hardly believe his eyes.

For artists, this tale is a parable of hope. Our work—songs, paintings, poems, and stories—so often feels unfinished, imperfect, and fleeting. But Tolkien, as a Christian, taps into a deep reservoir of hope: the promise of renewed creation. The idea is that the work we do now, however incomplete, will not be lost but will somehow carry over into the New Creation. Like our own bodies, it will be given back to us in greater degrees of glory. Beyond our wildest imagination, we are invited to trust that our small acts of creativity are not wasted but will find their place in God’s restored world.

No wonder Niggle cried out, “It’s a gift!” The promise is a deep hope for artists.

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